Remix and Return – Nuclear Waste is no big worry

Nuclear waste is EASY to deal with, just put it back in the hole you dug it out of!

I’m not your normal tree hugging greenie. I think that humans are here to stay and we need to figure smart ways of living within the environment. The means we use things from it, and eat the things around us, even the cute furry things. BUT, we need to do this sustainability, so our kids can eat the cute furry things too.

Coal fired power stations are not what I would call a sustainable proposition. Dumping untold millions of tons of invisible CO2 into the atmosphere is not likely to be a good thing to do. General consensus seems to agree.

Nuclear Power on the other hand seems much smarter to me. Sure the leftovers are pretty nasty, but there is very little material to deal with. Now, think about this for a minute. They dug up the dirt with the Uranium in it, concentrated the Uranium until it would react, and shoved it in a reactor. It got used, when it went in it was highly radioactive. When it is used it is less radioactive – that’s why they are pulling it out and calling it used. So if you now mix this less radioactive mix back in with the original dirt you have – amazingly – a less radioactive pile of dirt then when you started. Now, put it back in the hole that it came from. Presto – disposed. It can’t be used for weapons, isn’t economic to dig up, and is exactly like the place was before you started mining.

“Not in my backyard” – well what if that’s where it came from in the first place?

They call it Remix and Return. I can’t say I was the first to invent it, but it seems pretty obvious to me.

Bring on that clean nuclear power. (oh – and Solar too).

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