
About Me

are, if you’re looking at this page you’ve come here via a Search Engine,
Newsgroup or a URL from someone else’s website. My blogs not really intended to
be followed in a linear fashion.

I’m Paul Young, Technology guy by day,
and 4WD, DIY, Treehugger and
other stuff whenever I can. I really don’t like “about me pages“, so I’ll
keep this short.

Why the blog? — Well I get really annoyed (almost
postal) at not being able to easily
get data and information I need.  It’s easy enough to find crap overviews (via google or wikipedia), but finding people who explicitly understand the issue is
a lot harder. internet forums often seem to do little more than spread
confusion. I’m very much into information sharing and finding answers. Often I
just “have to know” and the question will keep pestering my brain until I do.
This is a reference point for those answers.

So here is my way of lashing out in frustration.  Dumping things out of
my head so I can move on with my life  …rinse and repeat.

I don’t stick to anyone theme and you’ll find mostly assorted bits here on:

I try to live by the motto “Do something each
day that scares you”. It’s healthy to be out of your comfort zone.

If you want to contact me I am on paul at
neuralfibre dot com

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Paul
    I saw your blog comment about petrol powered engine driven car alternator battery chargers. Are your comments still current for today or are there heaps of these charger units on the market now? I’m in a position to supply these sorts of chargers.

  2. Hey Paul, loved the article on viscous fan clutch.

    which way did you rotate the centre ring so that it advanced engagement?

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