Vista installer can’t handle dynamic disks – that’s just silly

I was installing Vista Ultimate onto a PC a few weeks back. The machine had a HDD installed that used to have XP on it. The HDD was configured as a Dynamic Disk and a single partition.

Vista could not install. Vista could see a single unrecognizable partition. Fair enough I think, it doesn’t like dynamic disks, I’ll just delete it.

Errgh, No. Vista doesn’t let you delete partitions from dynamic disks though the installer. The only solution I could find was to either boot to a 3rd party utility CD (which wasn’t handy) and nuke the partitions, or, the one I chose, to pluck the disk, drop it in an external USB caddy, and delete the partition from there on another XP PC.

Now, MS pushed Dynamic disks and the partitions associated as the “best way” to do things. Then they don’t support it fully with their next OS through the install.

That’s just silly (and slack) Microsoft

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